One of the smaller projects on my list this year is to make some small updates to my son’s modern lodge bedroom. I revealed it last fall, but something always seemed a little off to me. Mainly I thought it could be better but I wasn’t exactly sure what to change. Well fast forward and my son asked me if we could paint the vertical slat wall black. Brilliant! I’m so glad he suggested it because it was exactly what this room needed. I still have some more changes to make in here, but I couldn’t wait to show you the black slat wall in the bedroom!
Black Slat Wall In The Bedroom

I think I’ve realized that whenever a room doesn’t feel right, I need to go back to my basics… black and white! I swear every time I try and add a little to much color or tones I normally don’t use and everything feels off. Which is probably a lesson to just stick with my style!
Before Photo

If you need a refresher on what the room looked like before, here is how it turned out when I did the original reveal. As much as I love a good natural wood tone, I think this one had a little to much warmth to it and threw off some of the colors. I tried to add some more “vintage touches” with the plaid and the leather pillows, but it wasn’t the right mix.
For me, I needed to make a few changes to help it feel a little more modern and cleaner.
Black, White and Green Boys Room

The biggest change is obviously the color of the vertical wood slats. Painting them black definitely made them pop a lot more and I love how they bring the rest of the room together. I also changed out the chandelier, the precious one was a little too large for in here and I like this more modern orbit one. It’s actually the same one we have in the bonus room, just smaller.

The next change I made was simply switching up the throw pillows! I searched through some of my pillow bins and was able to make changes without buying anything new! I wish I had links for you guys, but none of these are sold any more :(

I also moved this adorable mountain print from the other side of the room to here, I think it is nice to have a focal point on the slat wall. I makes it a little cozier.

I have a few more tweaks left to make on the room and then I am going to do another full tour in here! I am trying to not spend any money on additional items in here while doing this quick refresh. I really want to show you how you can change the vibe of the room by using left over paint and by just rearranging some things in the space.
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