I finished up another part of my son’s room this week! If you remember from my inspiration post, I found a really cool bedroom on Pinterest that I loved and thought this Vertical Slat Wall accent piece was so different and brought so much dimension to the space. I thought it would be the perfect addition to this room.
Vertical Slat Wall Tutorial

I’m still putting the finishing touches on this room, but I think it’s really coming together now! It has a cool mix of classic, mid-mod and rustic all tied up into one space.
The vertical slat wall is a big statement piece. Instead of hanging artwork or buying a new headboard (his is really short), this is a great alternative that adds dimension, texture and a wow element to the room. And best part, when you are laying under there, it kinda feels like you are in a fort!
Accent Wall Tutorial

Here is what I started with. You could easily throw a great picture above the bed and call it good, but why not try something more? The whole process only took me about 1-2 hours, it was very simple!
Start by marking lines on your wall. I used a level to keep them straight and did them exactly the width of the level to keep them consistent (about 2.5 inches apart).
TIP: For the wood, I originally wanted a square trim but it is actually pretty pricey. So I decided to go with a 3/4″ X 1″. I definitely had to shop around to find the best price, Ace Hardware ended up being the best for me.
Cut your wood to the length of your wall. And install using a brad nailer. I used my level with each piece to make sure it was going up perfectly straight.
I did about 3-4 nails into each piece. To finish it off nicely, I just used a dab of natural wood filler into each hole to cover it up.

You could stop her and just do a nice accent piece behind the bed, but let’s take it one step further!

I loved that inspiration photo I found on Pinterest, I thought the planks on the ceiling add some drama so I went with that! I wasn’t very calculated with my board lengths here, I simply cut a whole bunch of different sizes, added a few shorter ones to the outside and varied them.
This was a fun project and I can’t wait to pull the whole room together and reveal it super soon!
What length nails/brads did you use?
Did you apply some kind if oil to the wood slats for a finish or just used them as is?
In this case, I just left them as is!