In the next few weeks, schools all across the country will be wrapping up the school year! Parties are being planned, summer vacations are quickly approaching and mom’s are racking their brains on what to get the amazing teachers who teach their kids day in and day out. So are YOU ready for all of this?! :)
If you are still looking for a few gift ideas, here are 16 Homemade Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas. I bet you will find one that fits!
1. Straw Topper Printable by Lisa Storms
2. Creative Juices Gift Pack by Tatertots and Jello
3. Thanks A Latte Printable by Eighteen25
4. I Love My TEAcher Gifts by Life Created
5. I’d File You Under A by She’s Kinda Crafty
6. Tote-ally Terrific Purse by Uncommon
7. Thank You Succulents by Hello Bee
8. Thank You Bookmarks by Positively Splendid
9. Cupcake Ice Cream by Living Locurto
10. Vanilla Fudge Apples by Hungry Happenings
11. Apple Cupcakes by Love From The Oven
12. POPular Teach Gift by Domesticated Lady
13. Personalized Calculators by Positively Splendid
14. A Little Gratuity… The Crafting Chicks
15. Pencil Bouquet by Less Cake More Frosting
16. You Deserve Chocolate by Eighteen25
So what do you think? Will you be making any of these this year or do you have something else in mind?
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