I can’t believe I’m over half way through with this pregnancy (more on that here). Everyone says the third pregnancy goes by faster than the others. Woah is that ever true. The other day Miss E and I were sitting on the couch and she had her hand on my belly and was feeling the baby kick (melts my heart). She asked me if I could help her count how many more months until she could hold the baby, so we counted on each of her tiny little fingers, 1…2…3…4…and that’s it. Wait, that’s it?! And then my moment of panic set in. Part of me feels like I’m still trying to wrap my head around being pregnant again and here I am about to have a newborn in FOUR months. That’s going to go by fast, especially with a busy summer ahead and the start of school. It’s so very exciting, but also a little scary.
After that moment, I feel like I jumped right into the ‘nesting phase’ of this pregnancy. I have to admit, this is one of my favorite perks of being pregnant. There really is something to this phase, it’s real people. It has started earlier than my other two pregnancies but I’m going with it and getting things DONE!
I now have a list of all the things I want done on the house before baby arrives. I have already started more projects than I need to, like spending 5 hours purging our bonus room/playroom and deciding to spontaneously turn it into a fully furnished and decorated room for the family to hang out in.
This weekend we picked up this gray sectional at Macy’s for just $699!!! What a deal, I was SO excited when I found it (sale is going on through this weekend). This couch is the first piece for the room. I have some big ideas and I’ll be sharing those later!
Aside from the fact that I am crazy for starting another room while I have quite a few rooms left to finish is nothing unusual. But here is where I’m reeling things in.
This actually isn’t that big of a goal since both kids’ rooms are about 70-95% done. However, I tend to get decorating ADD and get tired of working in one space and jump to the other. And admittedly, opportunities that happen through the blog tend to dictate where I spend my time.
Little Man’s room is 90% done. All I have to do is install a new light and hang a piece of artwork and I’m DONE! I just have to wait for everything to arrive. This is one of my favorite spaces I’ve done and I can’t way to reveal it all in a few weeks!
This may be the only picture I’ve showed of Miss E’s Room, but the entire room is actually coming along great and is full of fun girlie surprises. Full of pastels and whimsical decor, this room has been really fun to put together and it’s been fun to do something different than the rest of my house. I’ve basically been designing a space for a four year old client with LOTS of opinions :)
I’m about 75% done with this space. I feel so close but I just made a to-do list of all the little things and they are adding up. But like I said, this is my focus and I really want this space done so I’m buckling down!
Onto our Master Bedroom… Ok this room actually has a long ways to go. Our bedroom is HUGE, which is fabulous but also daunting when it comes to filling the space and we are starting completely from scratch. I’ve already made a lot of progress over the past few weeks to really bring more of my style (think more texture, wood tones and even more neutrals) into the space and warm everything up. I’m so excited with some of the new additions and I can’t wait to show you updates super super soon.
And there you have it. This will be my focus and direction for the next few months. And you are probably thinking, what about a new nursery for the baby? Well…. I’ll save that discussion for another day. As of right now, I’m not planning on putting one together until after the baby arrives :)
Love the wood on that nursery wall, such a great idea!