We are already in the second week of the new year and I am running full force into 2014. And I love it. As I dive into my goals for this year, I’ve been reflecting on the past 12 months, looking into the next 12 and thinking about what goals I have for my blog/business, my home, my personal life, my family and everything in-between. While I think about all of these things in my life there seem to be one word that keeps popping up….
Yes. FINISH. (See the irony in my graphic, I think I’m around the ‘fini’ part) It may not be the most inspirational word, but for me it’s a word that will help me prioritize my time this year. And it’s not just about finishing home projects (although that’s a big part of it ), but it’s about finishing small things like our wedding album, baby books, family photo albums, and among other things. Things that I keep saying, “I’ll get to it one day” and then another year passes and another, and another and another. Know what I’m talking about? I am incredibly motivated and happy to say I’ve already made a lot of progress and I’m only 9 days in!
What I started in 2013, I will FINISH in 2014.
My overall goal this year is to not start anything else until I am finished with my Home Goals List (from last year) and a list of personal items I have. The good news is, I’m about 75% done with quite a few of them and they just need to be…… FINISHED.
I’m not the type of person who starts things and doesn’t finish them. I’m the type of person who has a hard time saying ‘no’, who takes on more than they should and who gets distracted easily with projects. So what generally happens is that I get something 90% complete and I say to myself, “Oh I’ll finish that last little caulking/sanding/painting/etc. later” and then I start something new! And right now I look around and see A LOT of those 90% completed projects. But I’m putting an end to that in 2014!
Right now I am full of motivation and ready to start this year and FINISH some of these fun and amazing projects I’ve been hiding!
Ugh, this would be a great word for me, too! I really need to finish a lot of projects or rooms that I started on. Good luck!
I love your word for the year! I struggle with the same thing, thinking I’m “done” once I get in sight of the finish line, and then jumping into something else. It’s hard to be a creative person sometimes when you have a constant stream of ideas that you want to try! I have chosen “Focus” to be my word for the year!
Great word Taryn! Mine this year is CHANGE. My first time with a word so I am really looking forward to it- Good luck with your year :)
Taryn, I do the exact same thing – there are walls that need holes filled, paint jobs that need finished, closet doors that need made – and I always hop to the next project and come back to the not-as-fun stuff later… that’s something I want to tackle this year as well!
I have chosen the same word! I have more UFO’s than I can count and I keep starting new things. Now I must finish a couple things before I’m allowed to start something new…hope it works!